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‘Wines of Uruguay UK’ was created in May 2009 by Carla Bertellotti, a passionate Uruguayan woman who after moving to England soon realised that those wonderful wines from her homeland were hardly known in the UK.
And so the decision was made to form a business with a British partner, specialising in the importation and distribution of boutique wines from Uruguay. We believe we are the only business in the UK dedicated to supplying wines from the main Uruguayan producers.We aim to constantly have a varied and representative selection available at reasonable and sensible prices. In fact, we believe that Uruguayan wines offer not only some of the best quality wines available but also offer the best value for money.
So why is it that you never heard of Uruguayan wine? Many reasons, first Uruguay is a small country with small resources and cannot afford the advertising budget of the likes of Chile and Argentina. Secondly being a small country our producers are small in international terms, and cannot supply the large retailers that dominate the UK market. The result is that we have a small country producing superb wine but is virtually unknown. We want to do something about this.
As a small business we also do not have a large advertising budget, but we aim to help British wine lovers to discover the wonders of Uruguayan Wines.
We regularly add new wines, so there is plenty to discover; always aiming to bring you good quality, different and exciting wines; and always at a fair price.